...freedom to have the time of your life...

senzar™ clearing

Senzar™ Clearings involve the use of unique and highly effective strategies for removing unseen energies, forces and influences that can produce negative life experiences. The Senzar™ Clearing System is based on the concept that all difficulties in life begin at an energetic level. If the cause of the problem can be located and neutralised, a positive change in circumstances will follow. Problems that can be alleviated or eliminated with Senzar™ Clearings include, health challenges, physical energy depletion, emotional issues, sleep disruption, relationship problems and financial difficulties.

For more information on the Senzar™ Clearing System visit: www.sedonaportal.com

the senzar™ clearing system

£35 per hour
(Distant healing & home treatments available - travel expenses apply)

| massage for health | energy medicine | senzar™ clearing | emotional freedom technique | tapas

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