...freedom to have the time of your life...

noxious energy clearing with senzar™

Unseen energies, forces and influences in the environment can produce negative life experiences, including health challenges, emotional issues, sleep disruption and physical energy depletion. A Senzar™ Environmental Clearing focuses on neutralizing detrimental energies and enhancing positive energies in physical environments such as houses, commercial buildings and land. Clearings are accomplished through the use of intuitive skills, including dowsing, and a specialised protocol for accessing information about the problem and how to solve it.

For more information on the Senzar™ Clearing System visit: www.sedonaportal.com

noxious energy clearing with Senzar™

£225 per day (minimum half day)
(Depending on location travel expenses may apply : remote diagnostics available)

space clearing & feng shui
| noxious energy clearing with senzar™ | garden design

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